Instructional Model


The Instructional model comprises of a toolbox of interconnected research-based strategies for lesson design and delivery. An instructional model

  • Reduces variability across the college
  • Provides a common school wide language
  • Creates an environment for learning
  • Creating a consistent structure across the college


Within the Clyde SC Instructional Model there are three underpinning non-negotiable elements that should be visible in every lesson. These are a Focus, Teaching & Learning (Pedagogical cycle) and Review.


In each lesson, all classes should flow through the three elements of the instructional model. Throughout each element teachers are checking for understanding and providing feedback to students. A general timing breakdown example may be 10 min – Focus, 45 min – Teaching & Learning and 5 min – Review. Please note these timings are at the teacher’s discretion and can vary lesson to lesson.


Click on the different elements of the instructional model to get a more detailed description and presentation to each component.

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Focus Elements

The FOCUS of a lesson is the initial start of a lesson, where teachers are setting the scene of a lesson, by dictating narrative and pace and ensuring an orderly environment to a lesson.

At Clyde SC a LEARNING INTENTION for a lesson or series of lessons is a statement which describes clearly what the teacher wants students to:

Learning Intentions make explicit to students what the objective of the lesson is so that they can approach their learning with purpose. They should be written in student friendly language.

A Learning Intention should consist of three parts:


A SUCCESS CRITERIA describe, in specific terms and in language meaningful to students, what successful attainment of the learning intention looks like.

Success Criteria summarise the key steps or the ingredients the student needs in order to fulfil the learning intention – the main things to do, include or focus on.

Effective Success Criteria:

  • Clearly link to the Learning Intention
  • Specifically describe what success will look like
  • Provides a focus for students while undertaking a task
  • Are used as the basis for feedback and peer/self-assessment
  • Are measurable
  • Encourage independent learning


Within the focus element of the lesson, it is important teachers are RETREIVING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE and ENGAGING students at the start of each lesson. Prior Knowledge is the information and educational context a student already has before they learn new information. By taking advantage of this insight students can develop a deeper understanding and work on more complex material. Strategies to Retrieve Prior Knowledge:

  • K-W-L Chart
  • Entry Slips
  • Brainstorming
  • Concept Maps



When students are clear about their learning intentions, our students:

  • Are more engaged
  • Able to access the lesson
  • Feel more secure in their learning


Great teaching guides a lesson narrative, enabling us to engage with deviation, knowing how to bring discussion back on target. At the start of every lesson, it is important a narrative is created that learners can engage with.  This will ensure students can actively participate within the Teaching and Learning element as they are settled and ready for learning.