Clyde Secondary College acknowledges that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education. Through Student Voice, Agency, and Leadership our students are empowered to take ownership of their learning by understanding and contributing to the development of learning goals, feeling confident to make contributions to their learning environments and monitoring their own learning and improvement.

We support Student Voice by ensuring all students have the opportunity to provide feedback and contribute to decision making processes and collectively influence outcomes by putting forward their views, opinions and ideas and contributing actively to the community

Student Voice is demonstrated through:
- Student Attitudes to School Survey
- Student Feedback Forums
- Suggestion Box
- Parent Student Teacher Interviews
We support Student Agency by providing opportunities for our students to self-reflect and set goals for their learning.
We employ Student Agency through:

- Self-reflection Comments on Assessments
- Individual Education Plans
- Career Action Plans
- Goal Setting in Eagle Program.
We support Student Leadership by providing extensive opportunities for our students to advocate for their peers.
Our Student Leadership Team consists of:
- College Captains and Vice Captains
- House Captains
- Eagle Captains
- Student Representative Council
- Student Representatives on School Council