Year 7
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities
- Physical Education
- Health
- Language
- Digital Technology
- Visual Art
- Design Tech - Wood
- Media
- Dance
Year 8
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities
- Physical Education
- Health
- Language
- Music
- Visual Communication
- Design Tech - Food
- Photography
- Systems Engineering
Curriculum Overview
Clyde Secondary College is committed to deliver on its motto of “Excelling together, valuing the individual’. The school curriculum program will cater to meet the needs of all students regardless of background or ability, creating a rigorous academic learning environment that is rich, diverse, and engaging to all.
Our broad curriculum will provide students the chance to experience challenges, cultivate curiosity and find their strengths and talents supported by multiple access points and opportunities for extension and acceleration allowing all students to excel and have significant learning growth.
Our innovative curriculum will support the 21st Century learner, developing their critical, creative, and analytical thinking skills, as well as their ethical capabilities via a high-quality STEM program.
All students at Clyde Secondary College will develop agency in their learning becoming self-regulated learners who have ownership of their learning process through;
- developing learning goals,
- understand their learning growth
- have access to a variety of technology to support and deepen their learning.
Students will receive ongoing continuous feedback throughout their learning journey, and supported in challenging themselves to work outside of their comfort zone and aspire to be the best they can be.
At Clyde Secondary College, we offer a wide range of programs to further enhance the achievement of all students and ensure that the College will deliver the Victorian Curriculum Levels F-10.
Our curriculum is structured to allow for yeat 7 & 8 students to experience and develop a strong foundation ok skills and knowledge across all nine key learning areas.
At Clyde Secondary college all students will participate in our STEM program. Students will be exposed to a variety of stimulating learning opportunities where they will develop skills that they can apply in a rapidly changing world and working environment. Our STEM program will provide students transferable skills for the future, including;
- Problem Solving
- Collaboration Activities
- Critical and Creative thinking
- Digital Literacy
- Independent thinking
All students will have the opportunity to be involved in:
- Incursions and excursions
- Practical activities
- Problem solving activities
- Coding
- Robotics
At Clyde Secondary College, students have voice into which language they would like to learn. Utilising the Education Perfect platform students can select from a range of languages that they would like to learning.
Students will be provided keys skills involved in language learning including:
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Grammar
- Vocabulary